Removing ^M at the end of every lines in Vi/Vim

This can be done by running:


This the key to press in order:


SVN Repository View in Eclipse

This is a way to browse SVN Repository in eclipse.

To open the SVN Repository View, go to Windows> Open Perspective > Others > SVN Repository Exploring

Rewrite url for webapp, similar to htaccess

Webapp doesn’t seem to support htaccess file. Therefore, url rewrite can be done by using UrlRewriteFilter. It can be downloaded from:

This package is very easy to install:

1. Download the package

2. Put the library in to lib folder under WEB-INF or add as dependencies through maven

3. Put the filter to web.xml in WEB-INF


4. Copy and Edit urlrewrite.xml to create the rule.

I used this UrlRewriteFilter to take the trailing slashes off the url

For example:

From http://abc.def/ghi/jkl

To http://abc.def/ghi/jkl

What I did was:

1. Tell UrlRewrite to use context path

<urlrewrite use-context=”true”>

2. Add this rule

<to type=”redirect”>$1/$2</to>

This may not be a perfect solution but it works 🙂